I have been getting a little nervous the past few days just thinking about the enormity of this trip we are about to go on. I am very excited, but in the same breath, I will admit I am nervous. The other night God really spoke to me through something that one of the guys in my men's group brought up. It was out of Acts 9:15. The context of this verse is where the Lord came to Ananias in a vision and was telling him to go to meet Saul and restore his sight. Ananias is more than a little shocked and confused. He knows Saul's background. He knows that Saul was one of the driving forces behind the persecution of God's people. Because of his knowledge of Saul, Ananias does a double take, he questions the God of the universe. Acts 9:15 But the Lord said to Ananias "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel." There is no hesitation in God's answer... "Go". One of the guys in my men's group had this as a side note in his Bible:
"Go!" That was a direct order to Ananias. If God tells you to move, don't stand around asking what you're supposed to do. Don't waste time looking for the right moment to act. Don't wait for other people to open the door for you. Don't let a lack of motivation slow you down. Just go! You have the authority to act. You're an instrument of God, a personal emissary of the ruler of all things. If you're being faithful to his will, no one can safely oppose you or stand in your way. In fact, the only person who can stop you is. . . you.
Did you get that? You have the authority to act. I have been sent from the God of the universe. The same God who kept Daniel's friends from getting burned in the fire, the same God who spoke and the Earth came into existence, the same God who measures the oceans in the hollow of His hand, He is the God who is sending me. So I may be nervous, but it pales in comparison to the fact that I know that God himself has sent me. Praise Him!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Just One
As we rapidly approach the departure date for our trip, I find myself asking God to use all who are going to further the cause of His kingdom. I am one of those people who tends to imagine the way something is going to happen and then when it comes down to it, it usually looks nothing like what I had pictured. God says His plans are higher than mine, and I know that is so true. I have found that when I finally release that facade of control over a situation, He is able to blow away my expectations and show His awesome power.
This morning I was reading about when Jesus and His disciples got into the boat and sailed to Gadarenes, opposite Galilee. On the way a terrible storm arose and the boat was taking on water. Jesus' disciples were frightened and called for Him. He responded calmly and rebuked the wind and waves. When they arrived, the man called Legion, who was filled with many demons met them. This was a man who was cast out of society, a misfit, one whom no one loved. He was crazy, cutting himself, running naked in the tombs. If anyone was beyond help, it was this guy. The people of his city had bound him in chains and he had gotten away. They were happy to have him gone. To them, he wasn't even worth going after. But Jesus had other plans. Jesus not only cast out the demons, but when the people of the city came to see, they found him in his right mind, sitting peacefully with Jesus. He was healed, he was whole. After the people realized what had happened, they were afraid and sent Jesus and the disciple back across the sea.
That was the extent of Jesus trip and ministry in that area. He risked his life and those closest to him, sailed through the storm, and arrived in a new place where no one believed Him, all for one lost soul. Just one single, lost, frightened, apparently worthless soul. He was willing to give it all for just one.
I don't know what will come out of this trip, but God does. His will is perfect and His love for each one in unsurpassed. I am excited to see what He has, whether it be to reach thousands or just one.
As I read this story I was also struck with how the trip really had nothing to do with Jesus' followers, it was all about that one lost soul. However on the journey He used the storm to show His awesome power and majesty. Like I wrote in my last post, I really don't enjoy the storms, but when I am able to see God move through them, I am forever changed. I am brought just a little closer to His feet, and that is where I long to be.
This morning I was reading about when Jesus and His disciples got into the boat and sailed to Gadarenes, opposite Galilee. On the way a terrible storm arose and the boat was taking on water. Jesus' disciples were frightened and called for Him. He responded calmly and rebuked the wind and waves. When they arrived, the man called Legion, who was filled with many demons met them. This was a man who was cast out of society, a misfit, one whom no one loved. He was crazy, cutting himself, running naked in the tombs. If anyone was beyond help, it was this guy. The people of his city had bound him in chains and he had gotten away. They were happy to have him gone. To them, he wasn't even worth going after. But Jesus had other plans. Jesus not only cast out the demons, but when the people of the city came to see, they found him in his right mind, sitting peacefully with Jesus. He was healed, he was whole. After the people realized what had happened, they were afraid and sent Jesus and the disciple back across the sea.
That was the extent of Jesus trip and ministry in that area. He risked his life and those closest to him, sailed through the storm, and arrived in a new place where no one believed Him, all for one lost soul. Just one single, lost, frightened, apparently worthless soul. He was willing to give it all for just one.
I don't know what will come out of this trip, but God does. His will is perfect and His love for each one in unsurpassed. I am excited to see what He has, whether it be to reach thousands or just one.
As I read this story I was also struck with how the trip really had nothing to do with Jesus' followers, it was all about that one lost soul. However on the journey He used the storm to show His awesome power and majesty. Like I wrote in my last post, I really don't enjoy the storms, but when I am able to see God move through them, I am forever changed. I am brought just a little closer to His feet, and that is where I long to be.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
It's been awhile since I have visited the old keyboard to sit down and write my thoughts, but that doesn't mean it's been slow around here. As we move ever closer to the "GO" trip, things seem to be heating up. Maybe those of you getting ready to go will sympathise. It seems like every step closer we get to going, the enemy turns up the heat a little more. He hates it when God's people move. He hates it when they step out to care for those in need. And I believe that he especially hates it when it is those most vulnerable souls, closest to the Master's heart, are being cared for, are being reached out to , are being loved. The enemy hates that and he won't sit idly by and watch it happen. Thus the attacks. Ever increasing, ever intensifying.
A week or so ago I was feeling fairly confident about being ready for the trip. Shots, check. Passport, check. Daily prayer time, check. Deodorant, check. The list went on an on. A few minor details and I would be cruising the skies to Africa, or so I thought. As the days shortened till GO day, I began feeling the attacks from Satan and his cohorts start to increase. At first I thought that A little more time in prayer and reading His word would conquer all. But as the fiery darts came faster and faster with more fury I began to doubt. Was I really supposed to go on this trip? Did God really want to use me? Was I even worthy enough to serve these beautiful children of God?
Just when I thought I was about to sink in the midst of the furious storm, God did something awesome. He didn't tell the wind and the waves to be still, He told me to be still. "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10. God did not chose to calm the storm, instead He chose to calm me. We serve a big God who always knows what we need, even when we don't.
Tonight I sit here reflecting on the past few weeks, the attacks, the struggles, the doubts, the fears, and I know that God is really all I need. He has allowed me to go just far enough to be broken, but not unusable. Now He has picked up the pieces and He's putting me back together one piece at a time. But this time he is starting with an empty vessel. No more of me, just His strength. I am nothing without Him. But, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13.
So I guess for me it really wasn't just about the attacks, because they will still come. It wasn't just praying and reading my bible, though I still do that. And it's not even just about serving others, but I still will. The thing that I have learned the most these last few weeks is that through it all, God is enough. He is faithful to bring us through all things. We may be a little bruised or battered, but He is enough. Nothing I ever do or say or think or feel will ever separate me from the love of my God. "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38, 39. He is enough. Always.
A week or so ago I was feeling fairly confident about being ready for the trip. Shots, check. Passport, check. Daily prayer time, check. Deodorant, check. The list went on an on. A few minor details and I would be cruising the skies to Africa, or so I thought. As the days shortened till GO day, I began feeling the attacks from Satan and his cohorts start to increase. At first I thought that A little more time in prayer and reading His word would conquer all. But as the fiery darts came faster and faster with more fury I began to doubt. Was I really supposed to go on this trip? Did God really want to use me? Was I even worthy enough to serve these beautiful children of God?
Just when I thought I was about to sink in the midst of the furious storm, God did something awesome. He didn't tell the wind and the waves to be still, He told me to be still. "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10. God did not chose to calm the storm, instead He chose to calm me. We serve a big God who always knows what we need, even when we don't.
Tonight I sit here reflecting on the past few weeks, the attacks, the struggles, the doubts, the fears, and I know that God is really all I need. He has allowed me to go just far enough to be broken, but not unusable. Now He has picked up the pieces and He's putting me back together one piece at a time. But this time he is starting with an empty vessel. No more of me, just His strength. I am nothing without Him. But, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13.
So I guess for me it really wasn't just about the attacks, because they will still come. It wasn't just praying and reading my bible, though I still do that. And it's not even just about serving others, but I still will. The thing that I have learned the most these last few weeks is that through it all, God is enough. He is faithful to bring us through all things. We may be a little bruised or battered, but He is enough. Nothing I ever do or say or think or feel will ever separate me from the love of my God. "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38, 39. He is enough. Always.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A Mother's heart
I wanted to write a post that paid tribute to all of the hard work and dedication that my wife shows every day of her life as a wife and a mother. After thinking long and hard about it I realized that just mentioning her incredible attributes would probably not be all that unique. So I decided to remember a few specifics...
Like the time she learned how to crochet baby blankets because her ailing grandma, who had made a blanket for all of the grand kids, was no longer able to crochet. She had one of her friends teach her and with much patience and love, she made two of the most beautiful baby blankets I have ever seen for her two new twin nieces.
Or like the time just this morning when she got up at 6:00 am on Saturday (the only day she doesn't have to get up early) because there was a girl who's car broke down in front of our house and Shauna made her breakfast and talked with her just because she wanted her to feel comfortable.
There's also the many, many times that she has told me how excited that she is for me to be able to go to Africa. Never once has she had a hint of jealousy. I can't say I would be able to do the same.
Every Sunday morning when we get ready for church she makes sure that everyone else is ready first (including me) before she spends whatever time is left getting herself ready, (which usually isn't much with a family of six) but somehow she always steps into church looking like the belle of the ball.
There's the pure joy that I see in her face when I listen to her talk about our kids. You would think that each time she tells a story about what one of them did or said today, it was the first time she had ever seen one so cute.
There are so many things that I could say about my wife on this Mother's day, but I'll just keep counting back the memories... thanks Hun. I love you!
Like the time she learned how to crochet baby blankets because her ailing grandma, who had made a blanket for all of the grand kids, was no longer able to crochet. She had one of her friends teach her and with much patience and love, she made two of the most beautiful baby blankets I have ever seen for her two new twin nieces.
Or like the time just this morning when she got up at 6:00 am on Saturday (the only day she doesn't have to get up early) because there was a girl who's car broke down in front of our house and Shauna made her breakfast and talked with her just because she wanted her to feel comfortable.
There's also the many, many times that she has told me how excited that she is for me to be able to go to Africa. Never once has she had a hint of jealousy. I can't say I would be able to do the same.
Every Sunday morning when we get ready for church she makes sure that everyone else is ready first (including me) before she spends whatever time is left getting herself ready, (which usually isn't much with a family of six) but somehow she always steps into church looking like the belle of the ball.
There's the pure joy that I see in her face when I listen to her talk about our kids. You would think that each time she tells a story about what one of them did or said today, it was the first time she had ever seen one so cute.
There are so many things that I could say about my wife on this Mother's day, but I'll just keep counting back the memories... thanks Hun. I love you!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Master's Heart
My quiet time the other day found me reading from Acts chapter 6. The scene is this: the early church is really starting to take off. The twelve disciples are preaching the word all over and at the same time trying to take care of the widows and orphans. The problem was that they just couldn't do it all. So they set in motion a plan to choose 7 of the best men that the church had to offer to minister to the ones so often overlooked. The twelve disciples, men who had walked with God incarnate for years, knew where His heart is; with the poor, the lonely, the hurting, the sick, with the widows and the orphans. The solution they came up with was not to neglect these precious ones, but to choose the most Godly people to oversee their care. Acts 6 :3 says, "...seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business." I like that qualification "full of the Holy Spirit", it says that these people deserved the best. The next few verses go on to say the first of those chosen was Stephen. It says, "And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit...", obviously this was God's man. Stephen was so much God's man that it says those that arose against him and disputed him, "..were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke.". The thing that I find the most incredible is the fact that Satan and all of his forces were probably on overdrive trying to keep up with all that was going on with this new radical wave of "Christians" who were taking the world by storm for God. Of all the people, in all the ministries that they could have chosen to attack, they attacked Stephen, one of the chosen to care for the orphans and widows. Stephen is the first recorded martyr for the Gospel of Christ. The first. He set the bar, so to speak. He was faithful even to death. The enemy could have gone after Peter to kill him. After all, he was "the rock" right? They could have gone after John, the one whom the savior loved. I have heard it said that a great military leader goes for the heart, the core of their enemy's strength. How interesting that Satan's first fatality in this great battle was Stephen, the one chosen for his faith and total dependence on the Holy Spirit, the one chosen to look after God's widows and orphans. Is there any question where our Master's heart is?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Donations for the orphanage!
The kids and I spent this afternoon going through the things that have been donated so far for me to take to the Redeemer House orphanage in Ug*nda. I am going to be able to take a bunch of necessities with me as well as soome fun things to give out on my trip to Africa. I am so excited. Thank you to all who have donated. I am overwhelmed ny the generosity of people (some of whom I don't even know). I am not surprised however. God's people are everywhere and it is amazing to watch people make such a connection with people they will probably never see. Thanks again for the donations. Here are some pictures of us tr
ying to "organize" and pack.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Why "Go"?
For those of you wondering, I suppose I should explain why I started this blog in the first place and just what "GO" is all about. I'm not sure where to begin, so I suppose a little background is in order.
About seven or eight months ago my mom went to Africa for eight weeks. She had been before with a team, but this time she went by herself. She wasn't sure exactly what God had for her on that trip, but her heart has always been toward the orphan. Through the letters and emails she sent we began to understand why God says "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27. We began to get a glimpse of the incredible pain and suffering that is so prevalent in Africa. Our hearts were broken and we began to pray and ask God what we could do. His answer was simple, "adopt" just as God had done with us. He was asking us to take his children, who happened to be born in another part of the world, into our family, to be our children. We had never really considered this before, but through much prayer and God being so confirming we knew this was his answer.
The decision to listen and obey him in this not-so-small area of our lives has enabled me to see that God does have great plans for my life if am just willing. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10.
I began to seek His will for my life more and more. I couldn't shake the feeling that God had more for me to do in Africa than just adopt. I wanted nothing more than to be doing His will, but what was it? I couldn't get enough of God and His word. As my relationship with Him grew, I was starting to realize how little of my life I had really given over to him even though I'd known Him most of my life. I was really trying to give Him every part of my life now, but I still found it difficult at times, particularly at work. I struggled to be a light in a dark world.
Fast forward a few months. Shauna was reading a post from one of the amazing blogs that she follows. She (the blogger) was talking about how she quite frequently hears from God and that it is very clear. I had heard from God in my own life, but not as clearly or as often as she was talking about. I decided to pray in faith and ask God to give me a word. Immediately He answered... "GO". That was it. My first reaction was "hmm... that doesn't make sense, I must be making things up. 'GO' doesn't mean anything, does it?" I decided to look up the word in the concordance of my Bible. Out of the many many references a verse instantly jumped out at me. "But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day, for I do not know their limits. I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only." Psalm 71:14-16. What an incredible word. What an incredible verse. What an incredible God! I knew that God had indeed spoken. I now had those verses to stand on as I went to work every day. I thanked God for his perfect timing. Little did I know how far that word would take me.
A few weeks later I was looking on the internet and found the home page of a church in Colorado. The pastor of the church just happens to be the husband of the woman who's blog inspired me to ask God for that word. Right there on the front page of their website, in huge bold green letters, was one word... "GO". In the background was the picture of the flag of Ug*nda, Africa. I was stunned. God was again answering, giving me a little more direction in my life. "Go to Ug*nda." I soon found out that not only was this church planning a trip to go and serve there, but they were opening up a few spots to people following their blog. God is so good. He always has a plan.
Now here we are, 25 days until I get to GO. Needless to day I am ecstatic. I can't wait to see what God has in store.
There are SO many more details where God has confirmed and provided, like when I told our church missions board and they wanted to give $300 toward the cost of the trip, which happened to be the amount I needed to send in that week. Or the fact that I had been saving up my vacation at work and when I found out I was going to get to go, I had exactly 9 hours more vacation saved up than I would need. There's also the incredible generosity that has been shown by the people locally in giving so much to be donated to the kids we are going to be serving. I could go on and on about so many ways my God provides and answers when I just ask.
About seven or eight months ago my mom went to Africa for eight weeks. She had been before with a team, but this time she went by herself. She wasn't sure exactly what God had for her on that trip, but her heart has always been toward the orphan. Through the letters and emails she sent we began to understand why God says "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27. We began to get a glimpse of the incredible pain and suffering that is so prevalent in Africa. Our hearts were broken and we began to pray and ask God what we could do. His answer was simple, "adopt" just as God had done with us. He was asking us to take his children, who happened to be born in another part of the world, into our family, to be our children. We had never really considered this before, but through much prayer and God being so confirming we knew this was his answer.
The decision to listen and obey him in this not-so-small area of our lives has enabled me to see that God does have great plans for my life if am just willing. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10.
I began to seek His will for my life more and more. I couldn't shake the feeling that God had more for me to do in Africa than just adopt. I wanted nothing more than to be doing His will, but what was it? I couldn't get enough of God and His word. As my relationship with Him grew, I was starting to realize how little of my life I had really given over to him even though I'd known Him most of my life. I was really trying to give Him every part of my life now, but I still found it difficult at times, particularly at work. I struggled to be a light in a dark world.
Fast forward a few months. Shauna was reading a post from one of the amazing blogs that she follows. She (the blogger) was talking about how she quite frequently hears from God and that it is very clear. I had heard from God in my own life, but not as clearly or as often as she was talking about. I decided to pray in faith and ask God to give me a word. Immediately He answered... "GO". That was it. My first reaction was "hmm... that doesn't make sense, I must be making things up. 'GO' doesn't mean anything, does it?" I decided to look up the word in the concordance of my Bible. Out of the many many references a verse instantly jumped out at me. "But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day, for I do not know their limits. I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only." Psalm 71:14-16. What an incredible word. What an incredible verse. What an incredible God! I knew that God had indeed spoken. I now had those verses to stand on as I went to work every day. I thanked God for his perfect timing. Little did I know how far that word would take me.
A few weeks later I was looking on the internet and found the home page of a church in Colorado. The pastor of the church just happens to be the husband of the woman who's blog inspired me to ask God for that word. Right there on the front page of their website, in huge bold green letters, was one word... "GO". In the background was the picture of the flag of Ug*nda, Africa. I was stunned. God was again answering, giving me a little more direction in my life. "Go to Ug*nda." I soon found out that not only was this church planning a trip to go and serve there, but they were opening up a few spots to people following their blog. God is so good. He always has a plan.
Now here we are, 25 days until I get to GO. Needless to day I am ecstatic. I can't wait to see what God has in store.
There are SO many more details where God has confirmed and provided, like when I told our church missions board and they wanted to give $300 toward the cost of the trip, which happened to be the amount I needed to send in that week. Or the fact that I had been saving up my vacation at work and when I found out I was going to get to go, I had exactly 9 hours more vacation saved up than I would need. There's also the incredible generosity that has been shown by the people locally in giving so much to be donated to the kids we are going to be serving. I could go on and on about so many ways my God provides and answers when I just ask.
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